Aviation Support Technology
The AST group’s products and services for airport focus in both passenger services and flight safety on air-side and within and a round the aerodrome. Since airport often represents the country’s and the community’s image due to it being the gateway of passengers, local and multinational, our solutions highlight international aviation safety standard and efficiency in passenger management:
- Wind Shear Alert System
- Wind LIDAR
- Wind Profiler
- Lightning Detection
- Runway Visual Range
- Weather Message Switch
- AWOS Technology
- Passenger Information System
- Baggage Tracking System,
- Explosive Detection Device
- providing flight safety in weather related threats e.g. turbulence, wind gust and downdraft, vision hindrance, severe weather, etc. for aircrafts enroute into and departing the aerodrome
- boosting speed and convenience in passenger processing and passenger flow; maximizing air-terminal spaces & facilities utilization for the benefits of passengers convenience while minimizing airport operation costs and needed investments in facilities expansion
- creating positive country image in aviation services
- being a strategic system/tool to increase homeland security